Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Wall


A Wall is a poem about faith and beliefs as well as nothingness, and then searching for a purpose and reason to things.


The poem describes a place in the countryside where a wall is, used by sheep as shelter and has become part of nature over time.


'You won't find it' - meaning out of context, it means nothing to us
'High as your eyes' - simile
'It begins for no reason, ends no place' - pointless, purpose out of context/out of place
'Seemingly unremarkable' - the man made structure's orginial purpose and significance has been lost
'It exists for golden lichens to settle' - has become a habitat, home for species
'For huddling sheep in a slanting rainfall' - the wall now has a purpose, finds the point in it and understands its now part of the landscape and nature.
The first stanza describes a irrelevant, quite boring, lonely wall however the second stanza states that the beautiful, purposeful things go unrecognised in life.

Links to Larkin:

Nothing to be Said - pointlessness
First Sight - uniqueness, hope and faith, content is about sheep

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